
5 Tips for Keeping Your Commercial Refrigerator Clean

It’s hard to imagine a time where there wasn’t a refrigerator in our homes and businesses, keeping our food and beverages cool. Refrigeration history – and yes, there’s a history – is surprisingly vast. Egyptian Pharaohs may have had the first inkling towards refrigeration when they ordered slaves to fan their wine to keep it cool, but…

keep your refrigeration systems at the right temperature

Proper Storage Temperatures For A Refrigerated Space

Here is some very helpful information on safely storing food in refrigerated spaces. Cooler storage A cooler is best kept at a temperature between 1.8 to 4 * Celsius (35 to 40* F), this temperature range will greatly slow down the degradation of perishable foods. Also keeping foods in your refrigerator in sealed airtight containers…

set realistic expectations of your contractors

You Get What You Pay for With Commercial Grade Refrigeration & HVAC

Much of this subject is based on communicating with potential clients, current customers and other professionals within the refrigeration and HVAC industry. Using a large company for your refrigeration needs gets you larger per-hour charges due to the large overhead that it costs to operate these companies. Naturally, hourly charges and other charges — such…