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4 Energy Conservation Tips For Commercial Buildings

Any building’s electromechanical systems would ideally optimize energy use.

Per the Government of Canada’s Energy initiative, optimizing your building reduces maintenance costs, increases the comfort of occupants, and improves the indoor air quality.

Here are four basic energy conservation tips that focus on your heating and cooling system.

1. Conduct an energy audit

Before you can take steps to lowering your heating and cooling bills, you need to understand how your current system operates.

Take a look at the previous year’s utility bills. Begin with a review of the last year’s utility bills. Find the source of the extra energy consumption.

Determine whether older equipment is the culprit. What about structural issues? If the walls within your building have been reconfigured, it could be disrupting the air flow.

You can also call your utility company and see if they offer professional energy audits. They often do with for free. Some even offer credit on your energy bill for completing the audit and then making changes based on the results.

Once you identify the need areas, you can take steps to fix the issues.

2. Replace an outdated HVAC system

Spending thousands on a new central heating and air conditioning system may seem contrary to the idea of saving money. In the long run, this can save quite a bit of money.

Older systems are far less efficient than newer ones. If your current system is very old, then installing a new one could present significant savings for years to come.

Upgrading part of your HVAC

You may not need to replace the entire system. You may be able to upgrade certain parts of your existing Calgary HVAC unit to improve efficiency.

For instance, installing new programmable thermostats could be enough to improve the system’s performance.

Government incentives

You can see about any government incentive programs or rebates that may offset some of your costs.

In past years, the government has offered numerous incentives for installing Canada’s ENERGY STAR Certified units in homes and commercial buildings.

You will need to meet certain criteria to qualify. You will want to read through the literature carefully. Still, the befits may be worth the time and effort.

3. Maintenance of your current system

Maintaining a regular maintenance schedule means maintaining your investment and extending the life of your system. Wear and tear on the systems reduces its efficiency.

Practical things like replacing air filters and an annual tune-up go a long way towards lowering your monthly heating and cooling bills.

4. Have the air ducts inspected

Sealing the air ducts improves HVAC’s efficiency by up to 20% if not more. Consider having HVAC specialists inspect your duct system for leaks. Unprotected areas, such as underneath a building, are especially vulnerable.

HVAC professionals can seal leaking ducts with foil-tape. They may also wrap the ducts in insulin as an extra measure.

Other energy conservation tips

This article presented four basic energy conservation tips that involve your HVAC system. So many others have to do with insulating the building itself to keep your heated or cooled air inside where it should be.

If you have any questions about improving your Calgary HVAC system’s efficiency, please contact us.

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